For those who don't know by now that Tough Mudder is the toughest and most challenging event one could take on, well we are here to brief you on this insane body and mind challenging event! Tough Mudder is not your average lame-ass mud run or spirit-crushing 'endurance' road race. Our 10-12 mile obstacle courses are designed by British Special Forces to test all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaradarie. Forget finish times. Simply completing a Tough Mudder is a badge of honor. With the best obstacles and the most innovative courses, it's no surprise that Tough Mudder has ten times more participants than any other mud run and half a million participants globally. Tough Mudder has raised over two million dollars for the Wounded Warrior Project.
Tough Mudder Tri-State 2015 is taking place at Liberty State Park Jersey City, NJ and SuperFitCrew will be taking on the planets toughest event, so join us in demonstrating strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie. The comradarie with all the participants worked out so great last year and this year will only be tougher and better! Your first experience will definitely not be your last at Tough Mudder!
If you think you're tough enough, I suggest you check out our SFC training bootcamp to help you prepare for Tough Mudder 2015. SFC has put together a team of 28 members for Tough Mudder 2012; for those interested in participating in Tough Mudder 2015, Email me with any inquiries or interest in this event or any future 2015 events SFC will be partaking in, please send all inquires to, hurry up time is of the essence! I challenge you to check out this link and take the quiz, see if you got what it takes!
Don't forget to purchase your official SFC t- shirt, so you too can look good while training!
SUPER FIT CREW Started its first year participating in TM Tri-State 2010:
SUPER FIT CREW Team Members that participated in TM Tri-State 2011:
Carlos Montanez; Ernie Atiencia; Hector Rodriguez; Lazaro Cintron; Victor Jimenez; Manny Deleon; Daniel Gomez; Steven Vallejo;Danny Torres; Kenny Londono; Michelle Tatis; Jorge Ventura; Richard Alvarado; Esau Valencia; Alex Fernandez;Sharon NG; Jennifer Rodriguez; Zenia Dazza: Jorge Ramos; Steven Vazquez, Chris Roman chris losbanos
and Sandor Dazza.
SuperFitCrew's Brave Team Members that will participate in TM Tri-State 2012:
Richard Alvarado, Ernesto Atiencia, Jacqueline Bourdony , Dennis Castillo, Lazaro Cintron, Zenia Dazza, Manny Deleon, Michael Delgaizo, Alex Fernandez, Steven Gardenier, Francisco Guzman, Marty Heguy, Anthony Lopez, Crisgean Losbanos, Francisco Melendez, Carlos Montanez, Mousa Nesheiwat, Christen Piccola, Oscar Ricalde, Brian Santos, Franklin Sosa, Andrew Stephanic, Thomas Sweatt, Michael Sweeney, Erik Tapia, Michelle Tatis,. John Walsh and SFC's Team Capt. Sandor Dazza.
SuperFitCrew's Brave Team Members that will participate in TM Tri-State 2013:
Michael Arango, Barbara Dazza, Mario Dazza, Martin Heguy, Crisgean Losbanos, Jonathan Lugtu, Sefanie Martinez, Francisco Melendez, Romell Merene, Jorge Perez, Michele Perez, Harry Reyes, Orlando Santana, Bairon Serna, ElizaBet Serna, Thomas Soontarodom, Luz Colon, Eddie Zaldana, SFC's Team Capt. Zenia Dazza.
SuperFitCrew's Brave Team Members that will participate in TM Tri-State 2014:
Michael Arango,Sefanie Martinez, Jorge Perez, Michele Perez, Bairon Serna, ElizaBet Serna, Thomas Soontarodom, SFC's Team Capt. Zenia Dazza.
Are you looking to start a workout regimen, but need some direction? Well how awesome is that myself and SFC are hooking you up with free scheduled workouts for your training needs! SFC has a specific regimen bought to you to keep you in tune on how we train. We've listed some workouts that we use to train and maintain in shape for all our events and our everyday lives. I personally use these exercises to prep for Tough Mudder, marathons and any other challenging event. These are the workouts SFC is following to train for 2015! SuperFitCrew's way of training is always a fun challenging experience. Don't stay behind check them out....
SuperFitCrew Boot camp (Kettle bells)
Kettle bell routine to follow daily: Start off with 5-10 minutes of cardio warm up the body.
Kettle bell Exercises
Kettle bell Cleans:
Power Cleans - 3 sets x 15-20 reps
- Keep torso straight but bent forward at the hips slightly.
- Explosively raise the kettle balls by extending the hips, knee and ankle in a "jumping action".
- Keep your elbows out and shoulders directly above the kettle balls as long as possible. Keep the kettle balls close to the body.
- Once you have extended the lower leg shrug your shoulders and at maximum elevation of the shoulders start pulling with the arms. Keep the elbows high during the pull until the highest point.
- Rotate elbows around and underneath the kettle balls. Rack your hands across the front of the shoulders. Slightly flex the hips and knees to absorb the weight.
- This should be a fluid motion where all the steps flow together.
Single Arm Kettle bell Row: Single Arm Rows - 3 sets x 15-20 reps
- Stand with feet hip width and knees slightly bent. Bend at hips with back straight and knees bent.
- Take one hand and place on stationary object that is approximately waist height to support upper body.
- Hold kettle ball in other hand with a neutral grip and let arm hang straight down (perpendicular to floor).
- Keeping elbows close to body pull kettle ball up to body and squeeze shoulder blades together at top of movement.
- Return to start position. Remember to keep back and head straight - hyperextension, flexion, or trunk rotation may cause injury.
Alternating Floor Press: Alternating Floor Press - 3 sets x 15-20 reps
- Lie on your back holding a kettle ball in each hand.
- Alternating with your arms push up one kettle ball at a time.
- Slightly rotate your trunk when pressing the kettle ball up. Repeat with the other arm.
Kettle bell Front Squat: Front Squat - 3 sets x 15-20 reps
- Grasp kettle balls and hold them at chest level in front of you.
- Stand with feet slightly wider than hip width apart. Knees should be slightly bent.
- Lower body by flexing at the hips and knees. Upper body can flex forward at the hips slightly (~5 deg) during movement. Be sure to "sit back" so that knees stay over the feet.
- Once thighs are parallel to floor, return to start position.
Single Arm Kettle bell Jerk: Single Arm Jerk - 3 sets x 15-20 reps
- Stand with feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. Position kettle ball to ear level with an overhand grip (palms facing forward).
- Go into a quick 1/4 squat. Immediately extend legs and stand up and at the same time press hands up above head keeping wrists over the elbow and arm moving parallel to body at all times.
- Return to start position. This is an explosive exercise and the legs are used to be able to lift more weight overhead
Kettle bell Swing: Kettlebell Swing - 3 sets x 15-20 reps
- Hold one kettle ball between your legs and your body is in a bent over stance with your back flat.
- Swing the kettle ball backwards and then forcefully swing the kettle ball forward to a chest level. Keep your arm straight and forcefully extend your hips, knees, and ankles.
Kettle bell Windmill: Kettlebell Windmill - 3 sets x 15-20 reps
- Place one arm overhead full extended with a kettle ball. Bend forward at the hips keeping back flat to grab the other kettle ball with the free hand.
- While holding one kettle ball overhead continue to raise and lower the other kettle ball.
- Continue for the desired repetitions and repeat with the other arm.
SuperFitCrew boot camp (Jump rope)
Jump rope routine to follow daily: You may use this as a starter workout or finisher
Jump Rope Exercises
Basic Jump:
Begin with rope behind you. Swing rope over your head, moving hands, and rope, forwards. Jump over rope with feet together.
Reverse Jump:
Begin with rope in front of your body. Swing the rope backwards, over your head. Jump over the rope just as you would forwards, keeping feet together.
Jogging Step Jump:
Begin as if you were doing a basic jump. When you swing the rope over your head, do not keep feet together. Instead, switch them back and forth, in a jogging motion as you jump.
Criss Cross Jump:
Begin as if you were doing a basic jump. When you jump over the rope, bring your left arm over to cross the right. Then bring arm back over.
Twisting Jump:
The twisting jumps are simply a basic jump, but as you jump, twist your lower body side to side.
Double Under:
When you have had some practice jumping, try to move the rope twice under your feet for each jump. With even more practice, you could even get it three or four times under.
SuperFitCrew Boot camp (Resistance Bands)
Resistance bands routine to follow daily:
Chest Press -
This exercise is similar to a bench press with weights except you are standing� no need for any bench. Builds square shaped pectoral muscles for men� lifts and develops “cleavage” for women.
- Stand upright as you hold the resistance bands handles. You can attach the bands around a tree, back deck, fence or pole. (Please Note: The best resistance bands come with a hook that you can easily attach to your door.)
- Face away from the door (if using the door hook attachment) pole, fence etc. Grasp Handles chest high, palms down and press the handles forward and focus on bringing the elbows together. Your wrists should be parallel or in line with you armpits.
- Stop just before your elbow joints are straight and reverse the motion backwards.
- Repeat depending on your fitness goals. 8 to 12 repetitions 3 to 4 sets.
Here are the best exercises for resistance bands that focus on your arms.
Biceps Curl -
This is similar to a standing biceps curl with dumbbells. Builds cannon ball shaped biceps.
- Grasp resistance bands handles and step on the bands in the middle while holding on to handles. Palms facing up.
- Curl the handles upwards but don’t allow the resistance to stop at the top of the movement, keep the tension on the biceps muscle. Slowly lower your hands and repeat movement.
- Repeat depending on your fitness goals. 8 to 12 repetitions 3 to 4 sets.
Triceps French Press �
One of the best exercises for your triceps muscle.
- Grasp the handles palms down. Attach the resistance bands to the top part of the door using the door attachment or hook the middle part of the bands to a pole etc�
- Face the door or pole and step back while keeping your arms straight in front of you. (Make sure you attach the bands a foot higher than the top of your head and step back until your arms are stretched in front of you while holding the resistance band handles.)
- Press the handles downward (similar to a cable triceps pull down)
- Stop just before your elbows are straight and reverse the motion back up.
- Stop when your elbows are 90� from the ground and then reverse the motion back down.
- Repeat depending on your fitness goals. 8 to 12 repetitions 3 to 4 sets.
Here are the best exercises for resistance bands that focus on developing your shoulders.
Shoulder Press-
This is the granddaddy of all shoulder exercises. If you want broad melon capped shoulders this is the bad boy.
- Sit upright on a chair with your legs and grip spaced shoulder width apart. Rap the resistance bands around and underneath the chair. Palms down.
- Under control, push the bands directly up while focusing on your shoulders.
- Stop just before your elbow joints are straight and reverse the motion down.
- Under control, lower the resistance bands, stop when your elbow joints are in line with your shoulders and reverse the motion back up.
- Repeat depending on your fitness goals. 8 to 12 repetitions 3 to 4 sets.
Here are the best exercises for resistance bands that focus on developing your back.
Lat Pull Down-
This is a great exercise for developing that V-tapered look and developing great posture.
- Grasp resistance bands handles, palms down. Attach the resistance bands to the top part of the door using the door attachment or hook the middle part of the bands to a pole etc�
- Pull handles towards you in a rowing motion but downwards.
- Stick your chest out while focusing on bringing your shoulder blades together.
- Stop just after your elbow joints are in line with your shoulders and reverse the motion back up.
- Slowly and under control, reverse the resistance back up, stop just before your elbow joints are straight and reverse the motion back down.
- Repeat depending on your fitness goals. 8 to 12 repetitions 3 to 4 sets.
SuperFitCrew Boot camp (Medicine Ball)
Medicine ball routine to follow: To achieve maximum results, you should practice these exercises for 30 to 40 minutes two to three times a week, with a 24-48 hr rest in between.
Standing torso twist:
- Stand back to back 1 meter apart
- Keep your hips facing forward and legs slightly relaxed
- Pass the ball to one another by only twisting the torso
Two sets of ten repetitions (2 x 10)
Hamstring curls:
- Lie flat on the ground
- Roll the ball along the back of legs
- On reaching the heels the ball is flicked up
Two sets of eight repetitions (2 x 8)
Chest push:
- Feet together
- Hands behind ball and elbows out
- Step forward and push ball upwards and towards your partner
Two sets of eight repetitions (2 x 8)
Vertical extensions:
- Stand back to back approx. 60cm apart
- Ball is passed overhead
- Ball is returned between the knees
One set of ten repetitions (1 x 10)
Lay back double arm throw:
- Support your back with a large medicine ball
- Throw another medicine ball to your partner
- Partner returns ball to an overhead position
Two sets of eight repetitions (2 x 8)
Double leg kicks:
- Lie on your back
- Soles of feet facing partner
- Partner stands 3 meters away
- Partner throws ball in a looping path onto your feet
- Bending your knees back to your chest the ball is then kicked back to your partner
- Do not lower your legs to the ground
Two sets of ten repetitions (2 x 10)
Straight arm standing throw:
- Place one foot 50 cm behind the other
- Take the ball back, ensure hands are high, shoulders stretched and chest out
- Step forward and throw the ball to your partner, keeping the arms straight
Two sets of eight repetitions (2 x 8)
Abdominal curl:
- Sitting up slightly, resting on your hands
- Knees bent
- Ball is held by the knees
- Draw knees up to the chest
- Return to the starting position
One set of twelve repetitions (1 x 12)
Welcome to SFC's information center. Be sure to check us out on a daily basis so you can be informed of our upcoming events and any other fun exciting news we want to share with you! As many of you are aware we will commence team selection and training for 2013 events. If you have any questions feel free to shoot us over an email with your regard, we will respond as soon as we can!
Email all inquiries to:
For SuperFitCrew champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it! Get pumped, train and join us on our many events and see how your victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of your championship character.....
List of upcoming 2014 events:
Lincoln Tunnel Challenge 5K
Sunday April 27, 2014
New York/ New Jersey
This single-day Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics New Jersey event has raised significant dollars over the past 27 years through pledges collected by participants and donations from sponsors. The success of this event has advanced the goal of Special Olympics New Jersey to provide free year-round training and competition in 24 Olympic-type sports to more than 23,000 children and adults with intellectual disabilities. The Lincoln Tunnel Challenge 5K has helped to fund the creation of new programs, as well as expand existing programs. Be a part of the fun. Join the over 3,500 participants who will run through the south tube of the Lincoln Tunnel for Special Olympics New Jersey or support a runner or walker.
Mudderella Challenge
Saturday May 10, 2014
New Jersey
On May 10th, 2014 some of SuperFitCrew's finest females completed the mudderella mud run. Mudderella is a 5 to 7 mile long muddy obstacle course mud run that is designed by women. SuperFitCrew is honored to step up to the mudderella challenge not only for the great work out we get from it but also because mudderella helps support futures without violence to prevent and end domestic violence. If you are a Strong, Fierce and Courageous female that would like to step up to the Mudderella challenge with SuperFitCrew.
Pennsylvania Spartan Sprint
Sunday July 13th, 2014
Palmerton, Pennsylvania
Spartan Sprints are muddy 3+ MILES / 15+ OBSTACLES course races. The challenging sprint races are a great way to get off your couch and start living. Beginners to hardcore warriors, and marathon runners alike come out to test themselves on the insane obstacles! This 5k race is comprised of mud runs, obstacles, trail racing, physical challenges and mental challenges all in a 3+ race. 99.9% of all people who try this event will finish, and 100% will have their thirst for mud fully satisfied!
Suits for Success
Saturday August 2, 2014
New Jersey
On August 2, 2014 SuperFitCrew had the pleasure to link up with Suits for Success, Inc. at their 5k Walk-a-Thon walk for a cause. Suits for Success, Inc. is a non-profit organization whose mission is to empower individuals on their journey toward self-sufficiency through professional development services. Our team led the 5K walk and along the way had an opportunity to meet great people with great stories to tell. It was a awesome experience and a great example of how enjoyable a 5K walk can be while surrounded by positive and motivational people..
Tri- State NJ Super Spartan
Sunday September 7th, 2014
Vernon, NJ
The Super Spartan obstacle race provides an 8+ MILES / 20+ OBSTACLES battlefield of insane mud running with 15 or more obstacles to test your physical strength and mental resolve. This mud fest of a race will have many trials to push you to your limits that any man or woman with resolve can complete! This endurance race conists of mud runs, trails, and both mental and physical obstacles and challenges. The good news is that after you complete your painful journey, there will be live music and a catered meal to soothe your aching joints.
Tough Mudder Tri-State
Sunday Sunday October 12th, 2014
Englishtown, NJ
Home to one of the country’s fastest drag racing tracks, Raceway Park is no stranger to speed. An adrenaline junkie’s playground, this course features some of America’s grittiest terrain, highest climbs and deepest mud pits. Having turned Raceway Park into a marvel of Mudder mayhem before, just wait ‘til you see what we have in store for 2014… ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lincoln Tunnel Challenge 5K
Sunday April 28, 2013
New York/ New Jersey
All proceeds from the Lincoln Tunnel Challenge benefit Special Olympics New Jersey athletes and help foster the Special Olympics mission: To provide year-round sports training and competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community. Currently, there are more than 22,000 athletes with intellectual disabilities that train and compete throughout New Jersey in 24 sports, participating in more than 160 competitive events!
George Washington Bridge Challenge
Sunday June 9, 2013
Fort Lee, NJ
Walk, run, or bike across the busiest bridge in the world, free from traffic, high above the Hudson River, to raise funds and support the mission of the American Cancer Society. The GWB Challenge is the only event that shuts down the George Washington Bridge; for 24 years, participants have traveled along the bridge in an uplifting salute to cancer survivors and their families. After traveling mid-way over the bridge, you come back into NJ and there are several different scenic courses of varying distances that participants may follow, before meeting up at Allison Park in Englewood Cliffs for the GWB Challenge Picnic. We are saving lives. But we can’t do it without your help and the money you raise. Make sure team members and donors realize how important their contributions are. Let them know that their support fuels impressive progress in the fight against cancer on all fronts. Donations raised through the GWB Challenge support the American Cancer Society's efforts to fund groundbreaking cancer research, provide up-to-date cancer prevention and early detection information to educate people about the disease, advocate for all people to have access to quality cancer care, and offer free programs and services to improve the quality of life for people facing cancer and their families.
Super Spartan
September 7, 2013
Vernon, NJ
Voted Best Obstacle race in 2012
Tough Mudder Tri-State 2013
Sunday October 13, 2013
New Jersey
The New Jersey course will feature most (if not all) of our Tri-State 2011 event (MX course),Pennsylvania event (ski resort), and Texas event (ranch) plus more bad-ass obstacles. We purposefully design each course to be different, utilizing local climates and terrains to build a series of events that test all-round toughness strength, fitness, mental grit and camaraderie in every environment imaginable. Tough Mudders don’t compare times, they don’t brag, they just achieve.
IronMan 70.3 Triathlon
Sunday October 27, 2013
New Jersey
On October 27, 2013 SuperFitCrew member, completed Iron man 70.3 triathlon, one of the most challenging events SuperFitCrew has faced to date! Iron man 70.3 is a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike run, and 13.1 mile run triathlon challenge. You must have not only the physical strength but also the mental strength to complete this challenge. SuperFitCrew can help you do just that! Contact us to start your training for this or any other event...we promise you RESULTS, you won't be sorry! .
List of upcoming 2012 events:
UNITE Half Marathon & 8K at Rutgers
Sunday April 22, 2012
New Brunswick, NJ
Run through one of the oldest, largest and most beautiful campuses in the country. 13.1 Miles featuring live bands, fraternities and sororities. Run past the newly renovated football stadium and finish down College Avenue lined with thousands.
Lincoln Tunnel Challenge 5K
Sunday April 29, 2012
New York/ New Jersey
All proceeds from the Lincoln Tunnel Challenge benefit Special Olympics New Jersey athletes and help foster the Special Olympics mission: To provide year-round sports training and competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community. Currently, there are more than 22,000 athletes with intellectual disabilities that train and compete throughout New Jersey in 24 sports, participating in more than 160 competitive events!
Saturday May 12, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
MetroDash is a gut wrenching, muscle pounding, make you wanna throw up obstacle course race. It's compact, it's intense, and it's one hell of a good time. You're judged on one thing only - your time. Have you ever wondered if you got what it takes? We do every day. While some athletes believe the only way to prove this is to run 10+ miles uphill, at Metrodash, we know we can accomplish this with 600 meters of sprinting and just the right mix of challenging obstacles. Whether you're competing to win or just for fun, Metrodash will unleash the best in you. Metrodash is a sprint. Slow and steady gets you nowhere on our course. At Metrodash if you aren't pushing yourself as hard as you possibly can while striving to get the fastest time, you're only cheating yourself. Metrodash is not just about finishing. Competitors will sprint a total of 600 meters while climbing, crawling, jumping, swinging, and scaling their way through challenging obstacles. The fastest time wins.
2012 George Washington Bridge Challenge
Sunday June 10, 2012
Fort Lee, NJ
Walk, run, or bike across the busiest bridge in the world, free from traffic, high above the Hudson River, to raise funds and support the mission of the American Cancer Society. The GWB Challenge is the only event that shuts down the George Washington Bridge; for 24 years, participants have traveled along the bridge in an uplifting salute to cancer survivors and their families. After traveling mid-way over the bridge, you come back into NJ and there are several different scenic courses of varying distances that participants may follow, before meeting up at Allison Park in Englewood Cliffs for the GWB Challenge Picnic. We are saving lives. But we can’t do it without your help and the money you raise. Make sure team members and donors realize how important their contributions are. Let them know that their support fuels impressive progress in the fight against cancer on all fronts. Donations raised through the GWB Challenge support the American Cancer Society's efforts to fund groundbreaking cancer research, provide up-to-date cancer prevention and early detection information to educate people about the disease, advocate for all people to have access to quality cancer care, and offer free programs and services to improve the quality of life for people facing cancer and their families.
Newport-Liberty Waterfront Half Marathon 5K
Sunday September 23, 2012
Jersey City, NJ
Known among running enthusiasts as a great preparation & training run for the New York City Marathon held each November, the Newport-Liberty Waterfront Run offers a mostly flat and fast race through the streets of Jersey City with plentiful views of the Statue of Liberty, the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, lower Manhattan and Ellis Island. The race’s starting and finish lines are at Newport-on-the-Waterfront Park, part of a 600-acre live-work-play community of high rises, restaurants, commercial buildings and nightspots on Jersey City’s waterfront, just across the Hudson River from New York. The 13.1-mile course for the race takes runners through city sights including Liberty State Park, Green Park, the Harborside Financial Center, and the Newport Town Square.
Tough Mudder Tri-State 2012
Sunday October 21, 2012
New Jersey
The New Jersey course will feature most (if not all) of our Tri-State 2011 event (MX course),Pennsylvania event (ski resort), and Texas event (ranch) plus more bad-ass obstacles. We purposefully design each course to be different, utilizing local climates and terrains to build a series of events that test all-round toughness strength, fitness, mental grit and camaraderie in every environment imaginable. Tough Mudders don’t compare times, they don’t brag, they just achieve.