Are you looking for a new way to challenge yourself? Well look no further because SFC is inviting you to train and be a part of our crew for 2015! SFC has been participating in many events for the past few yrs., our first event as a team was Tough Mudder 2010 and others such as Spartan Race, GWB Challenge, Lincoln Tunnel Challenge, Ironman Triathlon. Up and coming events such as marathons, triathlons and obstacle challenging events are in store for 2015. SFC is looking for brave ladies and gentlemen that are always up for a challenge and work as a team. Keep up with our training and how we follow our specific workout plan to gear up for events. Training has already started for Tough Mudder Tri-State in November 2015! Check out our Events page for upcoming events.

P.S. Represent with SFC graphics! Check out and purchase our SFC logo t-shirts that can be worn while working out to our plan. Wear it at the gym, at home, or just hanging out and let them know "It's a Lifestyle!" "

Official T- Shirt

Eat Sleep Work Train Repeat




"The marathon is a charismatic event. It has everything. It has drama. It has competition. It has camaraderie. It has heroism. Every jogger can't dream of being an Olympic champion, but he can dream of finishing a marathon."

With so much to think about before your first marathon – what to wear, when to eat and how to pace yourself for starters – it’s no wonder your anxiety levels can soar during the build-up to race-day. We can tell you from experience that wether it is a full or half marathon, accomplishing one is a great experience.

In 2014 Philadelphia Marathon completed.

In 2015 we have a few lined up for us such as the Newport Liberty Half Marathon and the amazing NYC Marathon!

Are you looking to start a workout regimen, but need some direction? Well how awesome is that myself and SFC are hooking you up with free scheduled workouts for your training needs! SFC has a specific regimen bought to you to keep you in tune on how we train. We've listed some workouts that we use to train and maintain in shape for all our events and our everyday lives. I personally use these exercises to prep for Tough Mudder, marathons and any other challenging event. These are the workouts SFC is following to train for 2015! SuperFitCrew's way of training is always a fun challenging experience. Don't stay behind check them out....

SuperFitCrew Boot camp (Kettle bells)

Kettle bell routine to follow daily: Start off with 5-10 minutes of cardio warm up the body.

Kettle bell Exercises

Kettle bell Cleans:

Power Cleans - 3 sets x 15-20 reps

  1. Keep torso straight but bent forward at the hips slightly.
  2. Explosively raise the kettle balls by extending the hips, knee and ankle in a "jumping action".
  3. Keep your elbows out and shoulders directly above the kettle balls as long as possible. Keep the kettle balls close to the body.
  4. Once you have extended the lower leg shrug your shoulders and at maximum elevation of the shoulders start pulling with the arms. Keep the elbows high during the pull until the highest point.
  5. Rotate elbows around and underneath the kettle balls. Rack your hands across the front of the shoulders. Slightly flex the hips and knees to absorb the weight.
  6. This should be a fluid motion where all the steps flow together.

Single Arm Kettle bell Row: Single Arm Rows - 3 sets x 15-20 reps

  1. Stand with feet hip width and knees slightly bent. Bend at hips with back straight and knees bent.
  2. Take one hand and place on stationary object that is approximately waist height to support upper body.
  3. Hold kettle ball in other hand with a neutral grip and let arm hang straight down (perpendicular to floor).
  4. Keeping elbows close to body pull kettle ball up to body and squeeze shoulder blades together at top of movement.
  5. Return to start position. Remember to keep back and head straight - hyperextension, flexion, or trunk rotation may cause injury.

Alternating Floor Press: Alternating Floor Press - 3 sets x 15-20 reps

  1. Lie on your back holding a kettle ball in each hand.
  2. Alternating with your arms push up one kettle ball at a time.
  3. Slightly rotate your trunk when pressing the kettle ball up. Repeat with the other arm.

Kettle bell Front Squat: Front Squat - 3 sets x 15-20 reps

  1. Grasp kettle balls and hold them at chest level in front of you.
  2. Stand with feet slightly wider than hip width apart. Knees should be slightly bent.
  3. Lower body by flexing at the hips and knees. Upper body can flex forward at the hips slightly (~5 deg) during movement. Be sure to "sit back" so that knees stay over the feet.
  4. Once thighs are parallel to floor, return to start position.

Single Arm Kettle bell Jerk: Single Arm Jerk - 3 sets x 15-20 reps

  1. Stand with feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. Position kettle ball to ear level with an overhand grip (palms facing forward).
  2. Go into a quick 1/4 squat. Immediately extend legs and stand up and at the same time press hands up above head keeping wrists over the elbow and arm moving parallel to body at all times.
  3. Return to start position. This is an explosive exercise and the legs are used to be able to lift more weight overhead

Kettle bell Swing: Kettlebell Swing - 3 sets x 15-20 reps

  1. Hold one kettle ball between your legs and your body is in a bent over stance with your back flat.
  2. Swing the kettle ball backwards and then forcefully swing the kettle ball forward to a chest level. Keep your arm straight and forcefully extend your hips, knees, and ankles.

Kettle bell Windmill: Kettlebell Windmill - 3 sets x 15-20 reps

  1. Place one arm overhead full extended with a kettle ball. Bend forward at the hips keeping back flat to grab the other kettle ball with the free hand.
  2. While holding one kettle ball overhead continue to raise and lower the other kettle ball.
  3. Continue for the desired repetitions and repeat with the other arm.

SuperFitCrew boot camp (Jump rope)


Jump rope routine to follow daily: You may use this as a starter workout or finisher

Jump Rope Exercises

Basic Jump:
Begin with rope behind you. Swing rope over your head, moving hands, and rope, forwards. Jump over rope with feet together.

Reverse Jump:
Begin with rope in front of your body. Swing the rope backwards, over your head. Jump over the rope just as you would forwards, keeping feet together.

Jogging Step Jump:
Begin as if you were doing a basic jump. When you swing the rope over your head, do not keep feet together. Instead, switch them back and forth, in a jogging motion as you jump.

Criss Cross Jump:
Begin as if you were doing a basic jump. When you jump over the rope, bring your left arm over to cross the right. Then bring arm back over.

Twisting Jump:
The twisting jumps are simply a basic jump, but as you jump, twist your lower body side to side.

Double Under:
When you have had some practice jumping, try to move the rope twice under your feet for each jump. With even more practice, you could even get it three or four times under.

SuperFitCrew Boot camp (Resistance Bands)

Resistance bands routine to follow daily:

Chest Press -

This exercise is similar to a bench press with weights except you are standing� no need for any bench. Builds square shaped pectoral muscles for men� lifts and develops “cleavage” for women.

  1. Stand upright as you hold the resistance bands handles. You can attach the bands around a tree, back deck, fence or pole. (Please Note: The best resistance bands come with a hook that you can easily attach to your door.)
  2. Face away from the door (if using the door hook attachment) pole, fence etc. Grasp Handles chest high, palms down and press the handles forward and focus on bringing the elbows together. Your wrists should be parallel or in line with you armpits.
  3. Stop just before your elbow joints are straight and reverse the motion backwards.
  4. Repeat depending on your fitness goals. 8 to 12 repetitions 3 to 4 sets.

Here are the best exercises for resistance bands that focus on your arms.

Biceps Curl -

This is similar to a standing biceps curl with dumbbells. Builds cannon ball shaped biceps.

  1. Grasp resistance bands handles and step on the bands in the middle while holding on to handles. Palms facing up.
  2. Curl the handles upwards but don’t allow the resistance to stop at the top of the movement, keep the tension on the biceps muscle. Slowly lower your hands and repeat movement.
  3. Repeat depending on your fitness goals. 8 to 12 repetitions 3 to 4 sets.

Triceps French Press �

One of the best exercises for your triceps muscle.

  1. Grasp the handles palms down. Attach the resistance bands to the top part of the door using the door attachment or hook the middle part of the bands to a pole etc�
  2. Face the door or pole and step back while keeping your arms straight in front of you. (Make sure you attach the bands a foot higher than the top of your head and step back until your arms are stretched in front of you while holding the resistance band handles.)
  3. Press the handles downward (similar to a cable triceps pull down)
  4. Stop just before your elbows are straight and reverse the motion back up.
  5. Stop when your elbows are 90� from the ground and then reverse the motion back down.
  6. Repeat depending on your fitness goals. 8 to 12 repetitions 3 to 4 sets.

Here are the best exercises for resistance bands that focus on developing your shoulders.

Shoulder Press-

This is the granddaddy of all shoulder exercises. If you want broad melon capped shoulders this is the bad boy.

  1. Sit upright on a chair with your legs and grip spaced shoulder width apart. Rap the resistance bands around and underneath the chair. Palms down.
  2. Under control, push the bands directly up while focusing on your shoulders.
  3. Stop just before your elbow joints are straight and reverse the motion down.
  4. Under control, lower the resistance bands, stop when your elbow joints are in line with your shoulders and reverse the motion back up.
  5. Repeat depending on your fitness goals. 8 to 12 repetitions 3 to 4 sets.

Here are the best exercises for resistance bands that focus on developing your back.

Lat Pull Down-

This is a great exercise for developing that V-tapered look and developing great posture.

  1. Grasp resistance bands handles, palms down. Attach the resistance bands to the top part of the door using the door attachment or hook the middle part of the bands to a pole etc�
  2. Pull handles towards you in a rowing motion but downwards.
  3. Stick your chest out while focusing on bringing your shoulder blades together.
  4. Stop just after your elbow joints are in line with your shoulders and reverse the motion back up.
  5. Slowly and under control, reverse the resistance back up, stop just before your elbow joints are straight and reverse the motion back down.
  6. Repeat depending on your fitness goals. 8 to 12 repetitions 3 to 4 sets.

SuperFitCrew Boot camp (Medicine Ball)

Medicine ball routine to follow: To achieve maximum results, you should practice these exercises for 30 to 40 minutes two to three times a week, with a 24-48 hr rest in between.


Standing torso twist:

  • Stand back to back 1 meter apart
  • Keep your hips facing forward and legs slightly relaxed
  • Pass the ball to one another by only twisting the torso

Two sets of ten repetitions (2 x 10)

Hamstring curls:

  • Lie flat on the ground
  • Roll the ball along the back of legs
  • On reaching the heels the ball is flicked up

Two sets of eight repetitions (2 x 8)

Chest push:

  • Feet together
  • Hands behind ball and elbows out
  • Step forward and push ball upwards and towards your partner

Two sets of eight repetitions (2 x 8)

Vertical extensions:

  • Stand back to back approx. 60cm apart
  • Ball is passed overhead
  • Ball is returned between the knees

One set of ten repetitions (1 x 10)

Lay back double arm throw:

  • Support your back with a large medicine ball
  • Throw another medicine ball to your partner
  • Partner returns ball to an overhead position

Two sets of eight repetitions (2 x 8)

Double leg kicks:

  • Lie on your back
  • Soles of feet facing partner
  • Partner stands 3 meters away
  • Partner throws ball in a looping path onto your feet
  • Bending your knees back to your chest the ball is then kicked back to your partner
  • Do not lower your legs to the ground

Two sets of ten repetitions (2 x 10)

Straight arm standing throw:

  • Place one foot 50 cm behind the other
  • Take the ball back, ensure hands are high, shoulders stretched and chest out
  • Step forward and throw the ball to your partner, keeping the arms straight

Two sets of eight repetitions (2 x 8)
Abdominal curl:

  • Sitting up slightly, resting on your hands
  • Knees bent
  • Ball is held by the knees
  • Draw knees up to the chest
  • Return to the starting position

One set of twelve repetitions (1 x 12)